Please Call PM Trudeau
on Wednesday November 29, 2017
to Bring Hassan Home


Dr. Hassan Diab Needs Your Help now!

Please call Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday, November 29, 2017
to Get Him to Intervene Personally and Immediately
to Bring Hassan Home

Prime Minister’s Office:1-613-992-4211

Hassan Diab, an innocent Canadian citizen, has been imprisoned abroad for over three years for a crime he did not commit. Hassan’s handwriting, physical descriptions, fingerprints, and palm print do not match those of the suspect. Moreover, the French investigating judges have repeatedly stated that there is “consistent evidence” that Hassan was in Beirut, and not Paris, at the time of the 1980 bombing for which he is under investigation.

As a result, four different French judges have ordered Hassan’s conditional release eight times in the last 18 months. However, each time the prosecutor appealed, and all release orders have been overturned. It is abundantly clear that the decision to hold Hassan in prison is political: Hassan is in effect a Canadian political prisoner in a French prison.

In this context and despite the findings of the French investigative judges, we fear that Hassan will continue to be railroaded. All attempts in Canada and France to have him released have failed, and the only avenue left is for Prime Minister Trudeau to intervene directly and personally with President Macron of France to have Hassan released and brought back to Canada. Otherwise, Hassan will spend the rest of his life and die in a French prison cell despite documented evidence of his innocence.

On Wednesday November 29, please call Prime Minister Trudeau’s office at 1-613-992-4211, or Fax him at 1-613–941-6900. You may also call his constituency office (Papineau, Quebec) at 1-514-277-6020.

When you call, please be courteous, say good morning (or good afternoon, etc.) and give your name and where you are calling from. It is likely you will be talking to an answering service. Please leave a firm but polite message to this effect:

“I am calling to strongly urge Prime Minister Trudeau to intervene personally, directly, and immediately by asking President Macron to secure Hassan Diab’s release and facilitate his return to Canada. Hassan has been in prison for over three years, despite the fact that there is consistent evidence that he is innocent. Four different French judges have ordered his release eight times, yet he remains in prison in France. This is a violation of Hassan’s fundamental rights, and I want them restored by having him returned to his home and family in Canada.”

Please share this call for help with your friends and family.

With much appreciation,

Hassan Diab Support Committee