June 17, 2017
Dear Hassan Diab Supporters,
June 21st marks Dr. Hassan Diab’s third summer incarcerated in France away from his family in Ottawa, Canada. We have an important, indeed urgent, request of you…
On Wednesday June 21st, please telephone Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and ask him to intervene with the French government and request Hassan’s release and return to his home in Canada.
We need to have as many of these calls as possible from different parts of the country on the same day to amplify our message. We also suggest that you ask a friend to call. You and your friend can also call the Prime Minister’s constituency office.
It is possible that you will not get through to an assistant, but only to an answering machine or service. That’s OK. Please leave a message in your own words using the text below as template. It is best to call during business hours. In addition to phoning, you may also consider sending a fax if you have access to a fax machine.
Mr. Justin Trudeau, House of Commons:
Phone: 1 (613) 992-4211
Fax: 1 (613) 941-6900Constituency Office (Papineau, Quebec):
Phone: 1 (514) 277-6020
Template Message:
“Hello. My name is ______________. I am a supporter of Justice for Dr. Hassan Diab and I am calling to ask why the Canadian government and Prime Minister Trudeau have not intervened to secure Hassan Diab’s release. Hassan has been in prison in France for almost three years, despite the fact that there is consistent evidence that he is innocent. Three different French judges have ordered his release six times, yet he remains in prison. This is a violation of Hassan’s rights, and we insist that the Prime Minister intervene with the new French government and ask for Hassan Diab’s immediate return to Canada. To do less dishonors Canada and Canadians.
I look forward to your response. You can call me personally at ______________.”
Thank you for your support in the struggle to free Dr. Hassan Diab.
Hassan Diab Support Committee
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