October 10, 2022
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Please sign our petition urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to protect Hassan Diab from further injustice, and say NO to a potential second extradition to France.
Petition in English: https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/pm-trudeau-protect-hassan-diab-from-further-injustice-say-no-to-another-extradition
Pétition en Français: https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/pm-trudeau-protegez-hassan-diab-de-toute-nouvelle-injustice-dites-non-a-une-deuxieme-extradition
In April 2023, Hassan will face an unfair trial in France for a crime he did not commit. This is despite overwhelming evidence of Hassan’s innocence. All the so-called “evidence” that was presented by France to justify Hassan Diab’s extradition in 2014 has been withdrawn, discredited, or rejected. France has offered NO new evidence against Hassan. On the contrary, the alibi evidence, proving that Hassan was not in France at the time of the 1980 Paris bombing, has proven unshakable. Hassan’s French lawyers point to the immense political pressure that is being applied to keep the case alive.
It is essential that we do everything possible to ensure that there will be no further miscarriage of justice. The Canadian Government must protect Hassan and make it clear that a second request for Hassan Diab’s extradition to France will not be accepted.
PM Trudeau must honour the words he uttered in 2018:
“I think, for Hassan Diab, we have to recognize first of all that what happened to him never should have happened […] and make sure that it never happens again.”
So far, we have garnered over 7,000 signatures on the petition. We know it will take many more signatures to persuade PM Trudeau to do the right thing and protect Hassan Diab.
If you haven’t done so already, please sign the petition so we can reach 20,000 signatures as soon as possible.
If you have already signed, a BIG THANK YOU. Hassan and his family are deeply grateful for your support!
Finally, please share the petition widely among your family, friends, and networks, and on social media.
Many thanks,
Hassan Diab Support Committee
Web: http://www.justiceforhassandiab.org
Email: diabsupport@gmail.com
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/justiceforhassandiab
Twitter: https://twitter.com/justiceforhdiab
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