Issues Raised by the Diab Case Concerning Extradition from Canada

Dr. Maeve McMahon, an Associate Professor of Law and Criminology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, wrote a memorandum to members of The European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control. The memorandum details the due process violations and human rights issues raised by Hassan Diab’s case.

“As a social scientist and criminologist with knowledge about certain areas of the Canadian criminal justice system (notably with respect to issues of imprisonment and policing), I have been astounded by what I have learned about the extradition process in Canada since I began to pay closer attention to the case of Dr. Hassan Diab as of the spring of 2011…

A multitude of legal, ethical, and socio-political issues arise concerning the case of Dr. Hassan Diab. Fundamental among these is the law of extradition in Canada and the extent to which it does, and does not, comply with Canada’s Constitution and especially the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Also fundamental is the extent to which Canadian legislation concerning extradition does and does not comply with international conventions concerning human rights, as well as progressive norms concerning due process and the rule of law…

Supporters of Dr. Hassan Diab are already numerous. However it is hoped that, as people learn more about the details of this case, they will consider taking action…”

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