Please join us on Thursday July 27, 2023, as we deliver the petition to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, asking him to protect Hassan Diab from further injustice and say NO to any request for Hassan’s extradition.
What: Rally and delivery of Hassan Diab Petition to PM Justin Trudeau
When: Thursday July 27, at 12:00 Noon ET
Where: At the Prime Minister’s office, 80 Wellington Street, Ottawa (Southwest corner of Elgin and Wellington)
Many individuals, prominent lawyers, human rights groups, and unions have written or called on Mr. Trudeau to speak up and say that Hassan will not be extradited to France again.
Now we are bringing the petition, signed by more than 10,000 supporters in Canada and around the world, to again ask Mr. Trudeau to speak up and protect Hassan from another extradition.
Please join us!
- Bring signs and banners
- Hear Hassan Diab speak
- Sing along with the Ottawa Raging Grannies
- Accompany Hassan as he delivers the Petition
Note: The petition will continue to be open for additional signatures after it’s delivered. So please sign it if you haven’t done so already.
Earlier in the Day There Will Be a Press Conference
What: Press conference (via Zoom) on Hassan Diab’s case.
When: Thursday July 27, at 10:00 am ET
You are invited to watch a livestream of the press conference at:
Speakers will include:
- Hassan Diab
- Rob Currie (Professor of Law at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University)
- Bernie Farber (Former CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress and Founding Chair of the Canadian AntiHate Network)
- Alex Neve (Former Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada, 2000-2020, and Senior Fellow at the University of Ottawa, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs)
Questions from participating media will follow.